Australian Hotel Quarantine Made Me A Better Person And Here’s Why

5 insights I gained during this unique experience

6 min readJul 6, 2021

In March of 2020, Australia was one of the first countries in the world to implement mandatory Hotel Quarantine, for all citizens returning home.

From mini outbreaks shutting down state borders to escapees heading straight for the bottle shops, the $3k programme has had its fair share of criticism. No fresh air, crappy food, dirty bathrooms and the list goes on and on.

After personally having spent 14 days in Sydney Hotel Quarantine, I decided to focus on the positives and everything this experience had taught me.

Whilst completing Malcolm Gladwell’s writing MasterClass, his quote struck a chord.

‘It’s easy to rip something apart. It’s much harder to communicate why a piece of art is successful’

Although I’m not comparing quarantine to ‘Art’ I can say his quote runs true with most things in life. People find it a lot easier to complain, condemn and find fault with nearly every aspect of life, rather than focus on what’s working well.

Here’s what the experience taught me.

Embrace This Once In A…




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